„For a non-violent European communication: all on stage!” is a project that aims to support people from groups at risk of social exclusion, particularly in the employment market. Each organization will develop and carry out an original programme combining tools: NVC (non-violent communication) and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to strengthen the voice of our audiences and their own inner sense of power and agency.
Our team lead our first testing between 11 of October and 15 of November 2022. We divided our process into 6 sessions. We finally started it with a group of 7 women, however due to health and other personal issues our group was usually consisted of 3-6 participants.
We aimed firstly to get to know the participants, their expectations and set the rules which will be important for all of us during our meetings. We also played simple drama games and exercises with our bodies to break the ice and build a good group energy.
After that we focused more on the emotional intelligence and on that what how we can perceive what we see, what we feel and what are our needs. We focused these questions and aspects around the participants’ experience on the labour market. During our meetings, we used creative methods and forms of work (movement, drama, storytelling, improvisation, elements of the Theatre of the Oppressed) to enable the participants to get to know themselves better – their potentials, needs, values.
We encourage everybody to join our project fanpage on Facebook
The second testing we organised with the cooperation of MAL Włochy- which is an institution for local activities in Włochy district. We worked this time also with women group.
We invite you to watch the video with reflections from the participants: