Working in education is undeniably full of challenges, as we have seen and experienced during the last school year. There are many social expectations associated with the teaching profession, and among them one of the most important: TAKING CARE OF THE PUPIL/STUDENT. For his/her intellectual, social, physical, emotional development… In the international project „ToBe or not to be well – Drama and theatre in education” (more below) we wanted to concentrate on those people who take care of others in education on a daily basis. Because we believe that it is difficult to care about others if we do not care about ourselves.How can drama and theatre help those working in education to build their own well-being?
We would like to invite you to a conference and workshops summarising a two-year international project „ToBe or not be well – Drama and theatre in education” carried out in cooperation with organisations from Hungary, England and the Czech Republic. The project aimed to increase the level of teachers’ well-being and improve the school climate by organising drama and TIE (Theatre in Education) activities. During the two days we will share our (international) experience of supporting teachers in building well-being and a good school climate using the method of drama and interactive theatre.
The conference will be held in an online and offline (stationary, in Warsaw) format.
23 SEPTEMBER 2021 /Thursday/
14:45-15:00 | Opening of the conference and presentation of the aims and activities of the project "To Be or not to be well" | Małgorzata Winiarek-Kołucka, President of the Association of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA in Polish |
15:00-15:45 | How did the crisis remote education affect teachers? During the lecture we will recall the most important research findings on mental health and teachers' actions during forced remote education. We will talk about this problem both in terms of crisis, but also in positive terms, pointing out potential benefits and positive solutions taken by male and female teachers. in Polish | Professor Jacek Pyżalski |
15:45-16:00 | break | |
16:00-17:00 | To be or not to be well? Panel discussion of experts researching the well-being of male and female teachers in the framework of an international project in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and the UK. Simultaneous translation from English into Polish | Małgorzata Winiarek-Kołucka i Nikolett Gabrini from Association of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA Eksperts: Richard Holmes: Big Brum Theatre, United Kingdom, Eva Dittingerová, Luzanky, Czech Republic, Zsófia Jozifek, Nyitott Kör, Hungary; Kamilla Gryszel, Association of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA, Poland. |
17:00-17:10 | break | |
17:10-19:10 | Workshops led simultaneously by experts from organizations, who lead the project: Big Brum Theatre in Education Company (UK), Luzansky- Stredisko Volneho Casu (Czech Republic), Nyitott Kör Egyesület (Hungary), Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Dramy STOP-KLATKA (Poland). The experts will present working methods (drama and theatre) on the topic of building teacher well-being and good school climate. | |
Living the school life online We initiated the first online meeting with the teachers participating in our seminars in order to keep in touch with them during quarantine, find out how they're doing and offer them time and safe space for self reflection, to realize the impact of the actual situation and their needs. We intended to keep on working cŕeatively and collaboratively even on online platforms and offer simple tasks that teachers can easily do with their pupils during their classes. Living the school life online workshop will offer some of these exercises. We will work both individually and in the groups, using drama and other creative techniques in order to learn more about our well-being. Workshop will be interactive, the working language will be English and Polish. Participants will need a functioning camera and microphone, 5 sheets of A4 paper, pen and colour pencils and/or markers. | Eva Dittingerova /Luzanky, Czech Republic/ I am working as an educator and drama teacher, interested in education through art and nature, teaching teachers to be. | |
Leaving or surviving? Big Brum TIE will be using moments from the filmed Monodrama 'Socially Distant' to explore isolation, repression and disconnection in our lives. The workshop will include activities, a presentation and an interview / Q&A with the company's Artistic Director, Richard Holmes. | Richard Holmes /Big Brum Theatre, United Kingdom/ | |
Living question - the wellnes of teachers The name of the Hungarian organisation Nyitott Kör can be translated as “Open Circle”. Our main field of work is Theatre in Education (TiE), which we consider to be a participatory theatre approach. Our motto, guiding our strategy, is Play. Act. Explore. Through the To Be project we explored the great potential of working together with a group of teachers from the same school, and also with their students, on a set of events. The most burning issues affecting the well-being of our participants were: burnout, lack of trust in the teachers community, feeling of loneliness, inconsistent communication from and with the school management, and lack of education and mental hygiene helpers (eg. school psychologist, special education specialist, etc.). During the online workshop we share 'living questions', stimuli and tasks based on what we tried out during the Pilot phase of the Well-being Curriculum in Hungary. We invite teachers to explore the topic of well-being, and its’ contextual elements online. | Zsófia Jozifek, /Nyitott Kör, Hungary/ Zsófia is a Drama and Theatre in Education practitioner. She works at Nyitott Kör since 2015 as a facilitator, Actor-Teacher, and coordinator. She is interested in dramaturgy and arts for social change. She is an MA of Intercultural Psychology and Education, and has been recently training in Art Therapy. LinkedIn: | |
Closer to history. Forum Theater on-line in search of well-being. Workshop in Polish | Kamilla Gryszel, Nikolett Gabri / Association of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA, Poland/ | |
19:10-19:30 | Collection of reflections from the participants in the first day of the conference. |
There is a limit of places for workshops – max. 20 participants.Registration for the events (for the whole or for individual parts): from 30 August to 16 September. Order of the applications decide about the qualification to a particular workshop.