„Applied drama for cyberbullying prevention” is an international project contanining organizations from Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. All the organizations work with applied drama or/and applied theatre. The organizations all see cyberbullying as an important issue to work with. In this project we would like to develop training for teachers. Our specific goals due to teachers are: improving teaching competences (at least 3 new techniques), expand knowledge about cyberbullying (also by reading our workbook), giving motivation for taking part in other trainings in connection with non-formal education. These goals we should achieve by the test training organized by every organization in their own country and the training led by the three organizations as a part of the international meeting. The meeting will give us the opportunity to learn and exchange with partner organizations dealing with same problem and define their mission’s close to ours. Besides teachers we would like to achieve other citizens, who wants to get to know more about this issue, that’s why we plan an online video-after the three countries meet and exchange knowledge- in Slovakian, Polish, Hungarian and English languages
The coordinating organization: Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Dramy STOP-KLATKA (Poland)
website: https://stop-klatka.org.pl/
The partners:
- Nyitott Kör Egyesület (Hungary)
Open Circle Association’s mission is to improve communities and competencies open new aspects particularly for young people to become dynamically balanced persons with themselves, their environment and the society. They work with theater in Education (TiE) drama in Education (DiE), lead trainings/workshops for teachers, youth workers, facilitators, organize thematic events and camps with youth groups.They have a lot of experience in international project(as a partner and as a leader as well).
website: https://nyitottkor.hu/
- EduDrama (Slovakia)
EduDrama’ s aim is to promote Drama in Education in all types and levels of schools and educational establishments beside application of the principle of competence and proficiency of work with children. They took part in international projects with: Association of Czech Drama Centres, DAMU Prague, JAMU Brno, OU Ostrava, International drama education association, Kava Budapest, Fidea Finland and others.
website: http://edudrama.sk/
The project is funded by Visegrad Fund.